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Our Teacher Corps Program

Where two years of teaching in underserved schools turn into a lifetime of advocacy.
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Teacher Corps Program Basics

The TFA Journey

Your educational equity experience starts as a corps member and continues throughout your career.

Teacher sitting in classroom engageging with young students

Year 1: Developing Your Skills

During your first year as a TFA corps member, you’ll learn how to deliver rigorous lesson plans, create inclusive learning environments, and exercise self-awareness as you develop relationships with students, families, and fellow educators in unique communities. To make sure you’re successful in achieving these goals, here are some ways we help you achieve these milestones:

Read about real corps members first-year experience in this three-part interview series.

group of people working together

Year 2: Exploring Leadership Pathways

By reflecting on your first year in the classroom, you’ll develop new approaches to teaching and leadership that sharpen your focus on students' individual success. In your second year, we’ll help you hone your skills as you explore post-corp leadership pathways that align with your experience, skills, and interests in facilitating systemic change.

Two poeple sitting outside on steps smiling

Alumnihood: Lifetime of Impactful Leadership

Achieving systemic change is long-term work. Because alumni look to the network to make lifelong impact, we provide you with mission-aligned career support, leadership development experiences, opportunities to contribute to local change efforts, and easy access to stay connected to our network as it grows, throughout your lifetime.