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The Collective: TFA’s Association for BIPOC Alumni The Collective: TFA’s Association for BIPOC Alumni

The Collective Featured Image

The Collective is Teach For America's national alumni association for alumni who identify as Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC). We grow leadership capacity, strengthen community, and drive local and national change efforts —all in the interest of serving our students.  

About The Collective

In 2011, our BIPOC alumni community had grown to more than 5,000 people. The Collective emerged from the question: How can we unleash the potential of our alumni who identify as Black, Indigenous, and people of color to advance our mission, faster and stronger?

The Collective network has since grown to include regional chapters and a suite of national programs focused on mobilizing this extraordinary network of leaders, and providing space to learn, grow, innovate, influence, and lead change efforts locally and nationally.


Click here for more information about The Collective. 

“The Collective forges connections between corps members and alumni of color, giving us a safe and familiar place to exist.”

Ashley Jackson
Charlotte–Piedmont Triad 2011


Teach For America’s BIPOC alumni community size

Strategic Pillars

We seek to meaningfully advance educational outcomes for our children through the continuous engagement, leadership development, and mobilization of BIPOC alumni.

1. Leadership Development

Provide experiences that place BIPOC alumni on a path to transformational leadership.

2. Community and Network Building

Build a strong network that fosters a deep sense of connection among BIPOC alumni.

3. Collective Action

Mobilize our collective leadership to make a significant difference for kids in low-income communities.

“The Collective provides an incredible opportunity to interact with other like-minded people of color. I have been challenged, inspired, and sharpened.”

Karis Parker

Assistant Principal, Crossroads Academy-Central Street

Kansas City Corps Member 2012

National Advisory Board of The Collective

The Collective’s National Advisory Board is composed of alumni of color who draw on their expertise in board service, educational leadership, public policy, and social entrepreneurship to amplify the voice and impact of the national Collective community. They also provide strategic guidance to Teach For America’s senior leadership.

Collective Advisory Board