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What Teach For America’s Summer Training is All About

What is summer training institute really like? Corps members and alumni share honest reflections about how they felt during their summer training.

By The TFA Editorial Team

April 10, 2019

The Institute Experience

Institute (also known as summer training) is a pivotal moment for all Teach For America corps members. This intense learning experience will prepare you with the foundations for leading your classroom in the fall and will introduce you to future colleagues, roommates, and best friends. Hear what corps members and alumni who’ve been through the experience have to say about institute.

What's summer training institute really like? Corps members and alumni share their impressions.

“It definitely felt like being submerged.”

David Nungaray
San Antonio Corps Member 2010

“It's really intense because you're talking about a lot of really charged issues.”

Liliana Martinez
Houston Corps Member 2018

“I remember being very excited thinking about all the people in the room. We were this network of people that I knew could, together, make a transformative change.”

Jenn Dewhirst
Houston Corps Member 1997

“One of the teachers I met, actually the first day at institute, I won't forget and actually became one of my closest friends.”

Rick Cruz
Houston Corps Member 2008
