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All the Reasons We Give

Alumni Challenge donors share the reasons they give back to Teach For America.

A teacher and her student.

We are so grateful to each and every one of our donors who continue to support our vision of a country free from educational inequity by donating to campaigns like the Alumni Challenge.

From providing financial support and training to our incoming corps members during summer institute to guiding the professional development of our incredible alumni leaders, none of what we do is possible without Teach For America’s thousands of donors. This is the work of a lifetime, and we can’t do it without your help.

Below, donors share in their own words why they gave to the Alumni Challenge, their memories from the corps, and what Teach For America’s mission means to them:

Inspired by Our Students

“I think about my 20 students from my time with TFA daily and they motivate me to be a better person, teacher, leader, and advocate. They deserve the world, and TFA helps make that happen!” -- Alexandra Schoenberger

“I am donating in honor of my former student. I am so proud of him and how he's using his leadership skills to give back to the community.” -- Emily Wade

“In honor of my students who are now teachers themselves!” -- Colleen Greene

“In honor of my former students, who still inspire me to this day.” -- Anna Brandt

Paying It Forward

“I almost did not join the corps because of finances. I left a full-time job and health insurance in 2011 and had to max my grants and loans out to afford accepting my offer. Without a doubt, I would not be here if it weren't for Teach For America's insistence that there shouldn't be financial barriers for incoming corps members.” -- Amber Huett-Garcia

“Without financial aid from Teach For America when I first joined the corps, I would not have been able to afford the transition from Idaho to New York and into the teaching system. It's an amazing privilege to be able to give back to the organization that changed my life and support the next generation of TFA leaders.” -- Lauren Tassos

Julia Rafal-Baer: Why I Give to TFA

Julia Rafal-Baer (New York City ’04) shares what TFA’s mission means to her and why she gave to this year’s Alumni Challenge.

Support Through Tough Times

“I know how much of a struggle it can be to try and absorb all of the information and practices that are available to new teachers. I hope this contribution can help in some small way to show support for those who are seeking to better themselves through their sharpening their skills and making a meaningful impact.” -- Christopher Cotton

“To the incoming change makers and future builders, may you be reminded of the mission on the days when it gets tough to keep up the fight.” -- Anonymous

Discovering Our Life’s Work

“Teach For America has given me lifelong friends, my spouse, and my life's work. It is through their mission that One Day will be achieved.” -- Paul Needham

“TFA has given me more than I could express with words. From the training, to the real world experiences, to the friendships I’ve formed with fellow members, students, and families. I am thankful and hope that this donation helps someone.” -- Karen Martinez

“TFA set me on the path to my lifelong career! It is a wonderful community of people dedicated to providing a quality education to all students.” -- Michaela Duggan

“Teach For America transformed my life by showing me what a life of public service could be! I am so honored to be a part of a movement dedicated to ensuring educational equity across our nation!” -- Zack Huffman

“TFA led me to my life's work and my best friends.” -- Isabel Broer

Believing One Day is Possible

“I believe deeply in our mission of One Day and believe that it can happen in our lifetime!” -- Dana Bogle

“A colleague of mine likes to say that ‘Racism and inequity are products of design. They can be redesigned.’ TFA is an organization committed to that redesign of racist and inequitable education systems.” -- Andrew Pratt

“TFA corps members have tremendous potential to impact the lives of children both during their time in the corps and as alumni. I am proud to be a part of such an amazing network of individuals who are committed to enhancing the lives of our country's most vulnerable children.” -- Anonymous

“TFA changed my life. I will forever stay committed to helping students in low-income areas reach their potential and combat systemic oppression.” -- Samuel Hasty

Give to the Alumni Challenge Today

Remember, it’s not too late to give to the Alumni Challenge. Every dollar donated is generously matched by the TFA National Board, meaning your gift has double the impact from now until Giving Tuesday. Please consider donating $10 today.

Donate Today
