How do I plan and teach a virtual lesson?
You can teach a five minute lesson in any subject area to any grade level ages pre-K-12. All lessons should have an objective, and you'll have one minute to prep and five minutes to teach. Lessons should be effective, efficient, and engaging.
The main thing to keep in mind for virtual interviews is you should plan your lesson with the virtual format in mind. For example, during your lesson you'll control the screen and can share files, programs, or your computer desktop. There is a chat feature which allows you to chat with your group of students, and a virtual whiteboard which allows you to type and draw and allow your "students" to do the same.
You will be able to see your interviewer via their webcams, and they'll be able to see you on your webcam, but keep in mind your visibility is somewhat limited to what is in frame, so we strongly encourage applicants to utilize the features our virtual platform offers.
Applicants, have questions or need help? Contact us