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Wellness Tips for Educators

A teacher shares some practical habits that have helped stave off burnout.

A line of matches on a yellow background - the first 4 matches are burned out, the rest are not.

This month, we are shedding light on BIPOC Mental Health Awareness. As educators, we are constantly pouring into other people; we also need to find time to fill our own cups. 

We often find ourselves struggling to make time for ourselves because we’re caught up in our lengthy to-do lists and the challenges of creating boundaries to separate work life from home life. 

After my first four months of teaching, and teaching throughout the pandemic, I knew something had to change to prevent the feeling of burnout in my work and homelife.

Here are six things that have helped me decrease burnout:

1. Prioritize & Set Boundaries

  • Use a planner to create a list of tasks that need to be completed throughout the workday
  • Do NOT have work email notifications sent to your phone

2. Practice Mindfulness Techniques (you can also try to incorporate some into your classroom)

  • Take deep breaths when stressful situations arise
  • Set aside time each day to journal
  • Notice and appreciate your environment whether in your daily activities or on the car ride to work
  • Do deep stretches or yoga before bed, before work, or with your students!
“As educators, we are constantly pouring into other people; we also need to find time to fill our own cups.”

Kaela Spruill

Teacher, Julius Chambers High School

Charlotte-Piedmont Triad Corps Member 2019

3. Go on dates with friends!

  • Spend quality time with quality people

4. Find a therapist

  • If you have the means to do so, check out the therapists in your area and pay attention to what they specialize in!
  • A good site to find therapists is

5. Take a break from technology and social media

  • As BIPOC, it can be healthy to break away from social media periodically to recharge

6. And finally, my favorite: Invest in an oil diffuser

  • Add candles to create a spa-like experience at home with sounds of John Coltrane


Kaela Spruill (Charlotte-Piedmont Triad '19) is a third-year high school science teacher at Julius Chambers High School in Charlotte, NC. She loves people and all things self-care. After experiencing burnout during her first-year, she decided something needed to change.