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Things I Could Only Learn by Leading a Classroom

Teaching gives you access to unique experiences that will change your perspective on what students are capable of achieving.

The Most Surprising Thing About Teaching

As a teacher, you will learn things about the world—and yourself—that you won’t learn anywhere else. Teach For America alumni and corps members describe what they found most surprising about teaching, and how their students expanded their belief in what’s possible.

Teach For America alumni and corps members answer the question: What did you find most surprising about being a teacher?

“I was surprised that I was so resilient.”

Josephine Piñeda
Los Angeles Corps Member 2012

“That the systemic issues are absolutely everywhere.”

Yesenia Castro
New York Corps Member 2007

“We are all here to help the students meet the potential that they have and that's a beautiful thing.”

Marissa Kartub
Los Angeles Corps Member 2018

“That from one day to the next, one day could be a really bad day for one of my students and the next day, they just have a totally different mindset.”

Daniel Gallegos
Los Angeles Corps Member 2018