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Benjamin Schumacher Bids Farewell as Nashville-Chattanooga Executive Director

Benjamin Schumacher

On January 18th, I formally stepped down from my role as Executive Director, turning the page to a new chapter in our region’s history, one that I know will be filled with even greater impact than the preceding chapters.

I first began working with TFA in the spring of 2010 as a graduate student nearly 12 years ago. In the last 10 years, I’ve served as a corps member in Nashville, a national staff member in multiple roles, a summer School Director at Cole Elementary, a consultant to TFA, and an Executive Director. From these experiences, I know in my bones that TFA is a truly special and extraordinary place. What makes it special is the people and partners – people like you who have committed their lives to the greater purpose of creating far more expansive opportunities for young people. It has been a true honor and privilege to serve our students and communities alongside you.

As Executive Director for nearly 6 years, I can also assure you that you have made TFA and our communities in Nashville and Chattanooga a better place. We have grown our network size to over 1,100; on the basis of our corps members’ performance, we have been named a top teacher pipeline in Tennessee for all four years the State Board has shared ratings; our alumni continue to shine light on what’s possible for students by leading many of the most game-changing classrooms, schools, innovations, and policy-making across our communities and Tennessee. As we emerge from the pandemic in the years to come, I am confident the TFA network will be at the vanguard of re-imagining what it looks like to deliver life-changing educational opportunities to children, and thereby make ever more progress to our vision of One Day.

In the next decade, I hope to continue to collaborate with you on our common mission. 

Always in partnership and service,
