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Yannell Selman

Senior Product Manager - Alexa International

Bay Area '12

As a driven social entrepreneur, Yannell Selman has used her classroom experience in various ventures focused on empowering others.

Q & A

What led you to apply to Teach For America?

While at Northwestern, I saw a report about a 17-year-old in my hometown who was killed at the same place where I would eat breakfast as a high school student. It felt very personal. I felt extremely privileged to be at Northwestern; I wanted to use my education to support my community and make things better for kids in the schools that raise us. That’s when I decided to apply for TFA.

What is your favorite TFA memory?

In my second month of teaching, a student named Christian punched me in the face. I taught 2nd grade, so he was pretty small, but it was still a shock. I had no idea what to do and called the office to explain what had happened. Christian received a big consequence, and part of the restorative process entailed spending more time together. We had one-on-one lunch at least once a week. I visited his home and got to know the person behind the anger. By the end of the year, Christian and I were very close. He and his family are very dear to me now. This incident allowed me to recognize that our toughest kids can be the most special to you.

How has TFA prepared you skill-wise for a career after the corps?

I developed asset-based thinking and the ability to understand the systemic and institutional causes that bring about and perpetuate injustices in our society. I also developed presentation skills, the ability to lead race-based identity discussions and instructional skills for literacy and early elementary.

How has your corps experience been a catalyst for your personal transformation?

Before the corps, I was trying to be aware of institutions and society but had no content or context for putting things into perspective at a system level. During the corps, I learned about oppression and injustice in a very personal way. With TFA’s support, I could understand the bigger elements at play, put it all into context, and figure out how I wanted to push against injustice.