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Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors plays a critical role in developing Teach For America’s strategic plan and ensuring that we are able to meet the ambitious goals we set for ourselves.

Board of Directors

DeRay Mckesson

Executive Director

Campaign Zero

Region: New York, '07

DeRay Mckesson is the executive director of Campaign Zero, a social justice organization leading nationwide structural change to create equity and justice in our criminal legal system. Beginning as a youth organizer in Baltimore as a teenager, he has been an advocate and activist on a range of issues impacting people of color for much of his life.

Board of Directors

Ken Mehlman

Partner, Global Head of Public Affairs & Co-Head of KKR Global Impact ǀ KKR

Ken Mehlman is a social entrepreneur, with experience driving change via business, public policy, politics & the social sector. He is a Partner & Co-Head of Global Impact at KKR. Since joining KKR in 2008, Ken has architected KKR’s responsible investment efforts that seek to create shared value for KKR investors and other stakeholders. He has also worked to identify investment opportunities by leveraging geopolitical, public policy & sustainability trends.

Board of Directors

Daniel R. Porterfield, Ph.D.

President & CEO

The Aspen Institute

Dan Porterfield is President and CEO of the Aspen Institute, a global nonprofit organization committed to realizing a free, just, and equitable society. A native of the City of Baltimore, where he was raised by a single mother at the height of the civil rights movement, and a Rhodes Scholar, he has been recognized as a visionary strategist, transformational leader, devoted educator, and passionate advocate for justice and opportunity.

Board of Directors

Linnea Conrad Roberts

Founder & CEO

GingerBread Capital

Linnea Conrad Roberts is a former advisory director to Goldman Sachs and is the current Founder & CEO of GingerBread Capital, which builds and invests in women’s entrepreneurial success. As a Managing Partner in the technology sector at Goldman Sachs, she led many a start-up from launch to IPO. She also served as Goldman’s diversity ambassador to recruit, retain and promote more women into leadership positions with the firm and within the finance industry.

Board of Directors

Lindy Schumacher


Fulfillment Fund Las Vegas

Lindy Schumacher is Chief Executive Officer of Fulfillment Fund Las Vegas, a nonprofit organization dedicated to having a long-term, meaningful impact on college attendance and graduation rates for students growing up in economically and educationally under-resourced communities in greater Las Vegas.

Board of Directors

Miguel Solis

Chief of Staff

The Commit Partnership

Region: Dallas-Fort Worth, '09

Miguel Solis is the Chief of Staff for The Commit Partnership in Dallas and a former school board president of the Dallas Independent School District. From 2009 to 2020, Miguel served Dallas ISD as a teacher, senior central staff member, and school board trustee. Along the way, he helped transform it into a national model for large urban school district improvement. His efforts included helping create a principal and teacher evaluation and merit pay system and an early education policy, both of which served as a model for Texas' historic school finance reform legislation; a state law banning the practice of out-of-school suspensions for Texas' youngest students; and passing a total of $5 billion school bonds including the largest in Texas' history.

Board of Directors

Elisa Villanueva Beard

Chief Executive Officer

Teach For America

Region: Phoenix, '98

Elisa Villanueva Beard is the CEO of Teach For America. Elisa’s passion for educational equity comes from personal experience. She grew up in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas and developed a deep commitment to Teach For America’s mission as a student at DePauw University, where she was one of just a few Mexican American students. Her journey with Teach For America started as a 1998 Phoenix corps member. Today, under her leadership, Teach For America corps members reach hundreds of thousands of students each year in nearly 2,000 schools across 37 states and the District of Columbia.

Board of Directors

Howard Wolfson

Education Program Lead

Bloomberg Philanthropies

Howard Wolfson is the education program lead of Bloomberg Philanthropies. He launched the CollegePoint initiative to increase the number of low-income, high-achieving high school students who apply to and enroll in selective colleges and has developed a targeted strategy to support promising educational leaders and policies in selected geographies.