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TFA Baltimore December Newsletter: The Impact Of Our Students

Learn how Baltimore's students have changed the lives of our corps members and alumni.

Baltimore Newsletter- Dec

In this season of gratitude and celebration, we want to thank you for your deep belief in Baltimore’s students. Their limitless potential motivates us each day to recruit and develop a growing force of 1,100 corps members and alumni working to expand opportunities for all children. While our newsletters typically feature the impact of our TFA leaders, this month I invite you to read some of the many ways they learn from and are inspired by the spirit and love of their students every day. Wishing you all a joyful holiday season. – Courtney Cass, Executive Director


"My students have taught me how to be. They've taught me to be patient and more strategic. They've pushed me to not only hold high expectations for them, but to raise the expectations I have of myself. They have given me a sense of purpose and urgency in my life. All I do, I do for them." – Antonio Mason (Baltimore '14), 3rd grade teacher at Hazelwood Elementary/Middle School

"I came into teaching not thinking that it would be a life-long career. My students changed that: the connection we made together changed my life. And as much as I am committed to my kids, they're committed to me." – Cheyanne Zahrt (Baltimore '02), Principal of City Neighbors High School

"My students have changed the preconceived notions I had about what students could and could not do. I have students in all grades not only excelling, but pushing the boundaries of STEM. And that gives me not only hope for the future, but inspiration to continue to create greater access to STEM opportunities for my students." – Harry Preston (Baltimore '10), technology teacher at James McHenry Elementary/Middle School

"One of my students, Claudia, continues to raise her bar of excellence, pushing me to do the same. Her tenacity and determination to achieve her dreams and change the world inspire me every day. My goal is to be able to support and serve more students like Claudia. She gives me hope for our country's future." – Jacob Weinfeld (Baltimore '12), Director of Operations and Partnerships at MERIT


We are excited to welcome our new managing director of Pipelines, Meghan Rennard! As managing director, Megh will lead our work in recruiting our next generation of leaders, as well as supporting alumni in navigating their careers. Originally from Baltimore, Megh started her career in education as a 2007 Baltimore corps member teaching high school social studies at Northwestern High School. After teaching, Megh worked for TNTP, where she worked directly with teachers, school, and district leaders in systems across the country to recruit, train, and retain talent. If you would like to partner with Megh or to learn more, please email her at


We want to say thank you to our incredible alumni network! Through the generosity of our alumni, over $7,000 was matched by our TFA National Board, ensuring nearly $15,000 for transitional funding for our 2018 corps members! Thank you for your commitment and all that you do for our community and kids.

Get engaged and make an even greater impact for students!

Match Opportunity - Sponsor a Teacher

Want to support a new teacher in Baltimore? Any NEW gift of $5,000 or more from an individual supporter will be matched 100%. Donate today to sponsor an additional teacher for Baltimore's students!

NEW - Support our Corps Members and Alumni in their Classrooms

During this season of giving, if you are interested in directly supporting a Baltimore classroom, we invite you to check out classroom projects by our corps members and alumni here.

Quick Hits: TFA Baltimore Leaders and Our Impact

WBALTV: New $12M annual fund to help break cycle of violence in Baltimore - Featuring Zeke Cohen (Baltimore '08)

Baltimore Sun: Volunteers do the Thanksgiving shopping for single moms in Baltimore - Featuring Ateira Griffin (Baltimore '11) and Taylor Howard (San Antonio '12)

Baltimore Sun: Teach for America Baltimore gets $1 million donation