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Corps Members Reflect on What It Takes to Be Antiracist Educators

Three corps members share how their thoughts have evolved since starting their TFA journey.   

Our teachers are aspiring anti-racist educators and have engaged in a yearlong training facilitated by BrownLight Inc. aimed at identifying and addressing racism, anti-Blackness, classism, and other forms of oppression that impact students' school experience.

We asked a few of our corps members how their thoughts on what it takes to be an antiracist educator have evolved since they first began their journey as a Teach For America corps member. 


“[My thoughts have evolved] tremendously -- education does not work without equity.” -Bailey Herndon (CPT ‘21)

I'm an actual antiracist educator now and teach 25 beautiful students who are incredibly gifted in their own ways. It's different when you're learning or gearing up for your role versus actively being in that role.” -Courtney Woods (CPT 21)

“I've learned that it requires constant reflection and willingness to learn from your students and colleagues. There are thousands of decisions you have to make when you are inside the classroom. I've learned that being anti-racist doesn't mean getting them all right but means constant reflection and willingness to accept when you're wrong but commit to not making the same mistake.” -Emma Rafter (CPT ‘21)