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Preliminary Research Inquiry Preliminary Research Inquiry

Thank you for your interest in conducting research with Teach For America. We support independent research efforts that rigorously interrogate our work and have the potential to contribute to the broader educational justice and research communities.

This form allows us to gather initial information and evaluate research proposals. We value all external research interests. However, due to capacity constraints, we cannot actively support every inquiry. Therefore, we use the following criteria to guide our decision-making process.

  1. Does the proposed research align with our research agenda?
  2. Does the researcher have the expertise and/or track record of designing and conducting the type of research proposed?
  3. Is the proposed research relevant to the work and mission of Teach For America or the broader educational justice and research communities?
  4. Can the researcher articulate the vision of the research and identify realistic challenges and an appropriate timeline for execution?

If we determine that your request meets our criteria, we will invite you to submit a Full Research Proposal. Typically, we receive inquiries from graduate students; postdoctoral fellows; university and college professors; industry researchers or evaluators; and nonprofit, for-profit, and public-sector researchers or evaluators.

Please note: We love to learn about undergraduate research efforts and graduate-level end-of-course research projects, but we are not in a position to support this research. We have found that our timeline for reviewing, approving, and supporting such proposals often does not align. Furthermore, we aim to support research that will be made widely available for the advancement of the field, and such projects tend not to reach this wider audience-base.

Please allow up to four weeks for a response after submitting this form. Contact us at with any questions.

About the Researcher

Title and Affiliated Organization for the purposes of this study
Please choose the option(s) that best describes the researcher:
Are you a Teach For America alumna/us?
Are you currently or have you ever been a staff member at Teach For America?

 If you are the principal investigator within a team of researchers for this project, please also upload CVs of your co­investigators (please consolidate all CVs into one uploadable document).

One file only. 2 MB limit. Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt.

About the Proposed Research

Please choose the option(s) that best describes the intended outcome of your research:

 Indicate the month and year.