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Cody Stipes

Chief Operating Officer

Indianapolis '11

Cody Stipes

Cody Stipes is a 2011 Indianapolis corps member and Chief Operating Officer at Cold Spring School in Indianapolis.

Q & A

What is your personal "why" for doing this work?

Last year, our student robotics team placed 10th in the world championships while competing with more affluent and less racially diverse student groups. This is evidence that when you hold students to high behavioral and academic expectations, they can rise to meet them. That's my personal "why"—students defining what's possible.

How does your school/school model meet the needs of all students?

We are a STEM-certified environmental studies magnet school with diverse resources and opportunities for students to engage hands-on with STEM areas. There are 39 acres of land for fishing, biking, hiking, and farming (we have pygmy goats and chickens), including a learning garden on which our students grow fruits and vegetables to eat. We also offer our students environmental studies and computer science classes starting in kindergarten. Our students engage in STEM clubs through the Project Lead the Way curriculum.

Additionally, because we are a lab school with Marian University, their students can complete pre-service teaching at our school and mentor our students throughout the day.

What are the greatest lessons you’ve learned from the corps and in your career?

It truly takes a team. I'm fortunate to have had great mentors through TFA who helped shape and mold me. They invested in me and helped me understand what it takes to be an amazing school leader and hold high academic expectations for kids. Access to the TFA network is second to none.

My biggest lesson is that there's always someone willing to help here in our community. You just have to reach out and ask. Reach out to other alumni, TFA Indy, and other colleagues—everyone wants our children to succeed.